Truly, the inheritance of the legend showed that one of the four powers of Agimat was now in his hand!

Finally, Tiago's only son Martin was returned on his hand by his mortal enemy Vincent. At last, Vincent learned his lessons and asked forgiveness to Tiago to all the things he had done wrong.
But life seems miserable for Vincent as he was shot by his right-hand Max when he saved Martin.
Now the fight turned bloody for Tiago and Max in the end.

But things went wrong as the group of Max attacked Tiago and hostage his son Martin. Max asked for a full battle to Tiago unless he will kill his son. A do or die eventually was taken place between the two!
Atlast, all things go in the right place. Tiago defeated Max in the climax of their fight!
Hayz...I wasn't able to watched the very last episode of this action-fantasy series. I was in the mall shopping with my mom! But then I'm pretty sure, all expectations were attained!
I also like to give citation for this series. Gerald Anderson really showed his best! From a dramatic young actor to a serious action star...he successfully made it! The story runs as it was...challenging...full of fight and action...interesting and had a lot of surprise! It indeed captured the top spot in the weekend rating games!
Overall I could say, the first...the best! Good job for ABS-CBN! They again made a successful remake of a classic story! I couldn't wait to see the next one....! Great! c",)