Yup, the Primetime Princess Ms. Kim Chiu is the next face of the newly reformatted "Your Song Presents"! Starting December 5, Kim will put our Sunday afternoon into different genre as she plays different roles in different stories.
As her teaser says, "a brand new Kim will be witness...", new challenging and more exciting characters will be portrayed by our beautiful princess!
It seems that Kim Chiu is Your Song's favorite. We may recall that before "Your Song Presents Andi", and "Beautiful Girl" Kim Chiu together with Ms. Ai-Ai Delas led in a comedy story of "Maling Akala"! Now she will be the second featured star in this brand new Sunday afternoon mini-drama anthology.
Inline with this, here is the teaser of the next "Your Song Presents" episode featuring Ms. Kim Chiu. The teaser is very cool! It really gives a more promising Kim Chiu! Let's all watch this one! We're really excited for this! Cool! More power Kim! C",)