"Mandirigmang Lobo" is composed of Carlos Agassi, Nikki Bacolod, Van Roxas, Fred Payawan, Gem Ramos, David Chua, Joyce So, Heidi Riego, Michael Elhag and many more. They were like soldiers who fights the evil vampires and at the same time protects the human and the werewolf races!
Lia (Angel Locsin) is the head of this werewolf task force since she has the ultimate power to defeat the vampires! On the recent episodes, Lia together with this team are having their trainings!
Sooner, we will witness the great fight between the vampires and the werewolves! The so-called 'labanang pangil sa pangil' will begin!
Who do you think will win and will loose in this grand battle?! Now that Lia, the so-called 'itinakdang lobo' is heading her group, will Mateo (John Lloyd Cruz) the counterpart 'itinakdang bampira' will also lead the vampire force now that he will become one of them?!
This could be another interesting chapters that we need to witness in the succeeding episodes of this No. 1 hit fantasy series on TV, "Imortal"! The season 2 of this werewolf-vampire TV series is yet to begin! Exciting! Two thumbs up for this TV series! C",)