Before, the so-called glamorous costumes or attires used in different TV series can only be seen in different fantasy series, But today, we can now see luxurious costumes in real-life drama series!
This year's TV series like "Magkaribal", "Ilumina", "Grazilda", "Kokey@Ako", "Noah", and "Habang May Buhay" gave us noticeable costumes! These costumes exemplify one soap opera from another!

Another TV series that captures me in terms of the costumes is the Judy Ann Santos-Derek Ramsey drama series "Habang May Buhay"! Yup, this is a TV series about medicines, hospitals, and nursing! I really like their nursing attires! I like how the hospitality uniforms of the main characters were presented! Wearing their medical uniforms lab coats convinced us that they were really nurses and doctors! Even the dental office scrubs of the main villain give us a real life setting!
In terms of the fantaseryes like "Ilumina", "Noah", "Kokey@Ako", and "Grazilda", they really brought us in a different world! It feels like we're in a different kingdom away from earth! They really put fantasy into a reality with their glam costumes!
How about you, what TV series captures your attention because of its unique costume?! And which of these costumes you really love the most?! In the coming 2011, expect to see more new costumes to be offered by the new TV series! C",)