If Dora and SpongeBob take the morning weekdays timeslot, "Avatar" got the Saturday morning hour!

To give you a quick synopsis about "Avatar", Aang had a mission to save the world by defeating the evil Fire Lord and ending the destructive war started by the Fire Nation. He came from the Air Nomads and as early as the age of 12, he learned his destiny being an Avatar!
So many things happened until Aang was frozen in an icebeg! But after 100 years, water bender Katara and her warrior brother Sokka will find and free him from hibernation and they will join Aang in his quest to embrace his fate and restore peace among the nations!
Hmmm...the story smells more actions and adventures! How will Aang fulfills his mission?! How will he face danger as he fights evils! Well, it's for us to see starting tomorrow morning!
If you think "Avatar" is the third and the last Nicktoons to be aired by ABS-CBN, very soon, other hit Nickoledeon cartoons around the world like “Go Diego Go!,” “The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron,” “El Tigre,” “Ni Hao, Kai-Lan,” and “The Penguins of Madagascar” will be shown! Exciting! Surely kids, children, and every young at hearts will surely await this! Great one Kapamiya! C",)