TV Series Craze is my entertainment blog site about different TV Series. It started last April 2009. For one and a half year, it eventually got the interest of many readers, visitors, and TV series viewers.
Everyday, its ranking and statistics grow higher and higher. Visitors, fanatics, and followers of this blog site also increase!
Here are the latest statistics of TV Series Craze as of December 17, 2010:
As you can see, TV Series Craze is now at No. 50 top-rating entertainment blogs in the Philippines. This is according to Top of Blogs Philippines. TV Series Craze started at No. 220 in 2009. Now as of this day, it climbs to No. 50, the highest jumper of all the entertainment blogsites!
Meanwhile according to the Top of Blogs measurement, TV Series Craze is now at No. 9! Wow! Awesome!
Even the daily visitors of it increase much! If before my daily visitors ranges from 120 to 350 daily, it eventually increased to 1,750 plus! But it didn't stop there! It booms to 3,500 to 5,000 daily visitors! Thanks to all of you my avid visitors!
Meanwhile according to the Top of Blogs measurement, TV Series Craze is now at No. 9! Wow! Awesome!
Even the daily visitors of it increase much! If before my daily visitors ranges from 120 to 350 daily, it eventually increased to 1,750 plus! But it didn't stop there! It booms to 3,500 to 5,000 daily visitors! Thanks to all of you my avid visitors!
What more?! In the most important and most significant website measurement tool called Alexa.com, TV Series Craze, as of this day it has a ranking of 687, 483 worldwide! Great, great, great! Before, it's so hard for this blog site to reach below 1 million rank. But gradually from 1 million plus, it climbs to 900, 000 then to 800, 000, then, 728, 000 up to the 687, 483 as of today!
In the Philippines, TV Series Craze ranks 6, 863 still based from Alexa measurement. In US, this site ranks 273, 687 according to Alexa!
Now in terms of fans and followers, the TV Series Craze fanatics grow and grow! In its Facebook Fanpage, TV Series Craze has now 648 fans as of today. In blogger.com, it now got 34 followers. And take note, everyday, more and more fans were following and liking it! Nice!
For now all I can say is thank you very much! This website would not be so successful without your support! I'm very, very thankful for this! Now I can taste the fruit of my hardships! All of you my avid fans, followers, readers, visitors, and TV series viewers are my inspiration!
Continue visiting this website at http://tvseriescraze.blogspot.com . Everyday, fresh and new updates were posted! You will find everything you need to know not only limited in the world of TV Series but also in the entertainment world as a whole! This is my way of thanking you back!
This ranking will even grow higher. And I'll update you regarding its continuous development! T.Y. C",)
In the Philippines, TV Series Craze ranks 6, 863 still based from Alexa measurement. In US, this site ranks 273, 687 according to Alexa!
Now in terms of fans and followers, the TV Series Craze fanatics grow and grow! In its Facebook Fanpage, TV Series Craze has now 648 fans as of today. In blogger.com, it now got 34 followers. And take note, everyday, more and more fans were following and liking it! Nice!
For now all I can say is thank you very much! This website would not be so successful without your support! I'm very, very thankful for this! Now I can taste the fruit of my hardships! All of you my avid fans, followers, readers, visitors, and TV series viewers are my inspiration!
Continue visiting this website at http://tvseriescraze.blogspot.com . Everyday, fresh and new updates were posted! You will find everything you need to know not only limited in the world of TV Series but also in the entertainment world as a whole! This is my way of thanking you back!
This ranking will even grow higher. And I'll update you regarding its continuous development! T.Y. C",)